Thursday, February 4, 2010


Wow!!!. That's the first thing that came to my mind. After Lilygol's presentation I felt bad and scared for her and her people. All I could think was how it would be for me if I was in her shoes. I don't know how people could stand living that way everyday. All the danger and violence, I would be out if I could. I wish I could do something to help and show that I care. It made me realize hoe lucky we are to have freedom. Sometimes we complain about it but we don't even know the worse. I also liked how she said she wasn't religious and not tied up to just one. I liked her,she was really fun and all into it. She was showing that even though there's all this violence and protesting,they can have fun too with the dancing. Witch was really fun and funny. Lilygol is an inspiration and taught me that we shouldn't be afraid and stand up for whats right. She is an inspiration and tight yo. :)

Monday, February 1, 2010

The Veil

I think women are in favor of wearing veils because to the government of Iran,it's not proper and there exposing there self's. If they show any skin or hair, anything that would excite men (so they think) will be punished. Torture and/or execution. The veil is also a tradition and sign of respect. If they treat the veil like a joke or wear it improper they can get in trouble or seen as a slut or prostitute to others of there religion. The Iranians are adapted to wearing it all the time. It's not allowed to be taken of unless in your own home.