The Key To a Long Life

This essay inspire's me because i also believe that music can bring people together .Because like he said when your with others you stop being yourself for a little and become us. And it encourages a taste for co-operation with others. Oh and i love his accent and singing in the essay it made it funner and more intersting to keep reading.
I Am Not My Body
This i believe essay inspired me becuase i like how she learned she's more then her body. I agreed with her when she said that even the most beautiful ,thin person in the world still has something they don't like about them selves. I like it because she would always try to change something about her image and her mom made her relize she was more then her body. She learned to be comfterable in her body and to be happy for who she is.

My Husband Will Call Me Tomorrow
This i believe essay inspred me because it is hard to have a husband who leaves to war and not having to worry. I liked the fact that even though this woman had to do everything her own especially taking care of a baby. She was still positive to her self knowing that her husband is ok. She kept on to hope knowing that her husband will call her tomorrow.

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