Friday, January 15, 2010

Story of Stuff

-What has been your role in the "Materials Economy"?

In my role of materials economy is using less stuff. I've been recycling and unplugging things that I'm not using. I also turn off the light and water when I'm not using it. I've also tried reusing things till I can't use it anymore.For example paper and water bottles.

-How can you change your lifestyle to reduce your global impact?

What I can do is have my family or a group of friends to try changing our lifestyle. Like I said try using more of what you can use more then once and if something of mine is still usable like and ipod, i can use it till it's broken or stop working. Another thing that I've changed is using my money wisely.I use my money for thing i actually need like clothes,school supplies, and toilet tree.Most important is buying things I don't really need.

Monday, January 11, 2010

The Dust Bowl

I'm a child from the 1930's going through the horrible times of the dust bowl. I remember when I wanted to go outside, but I couldn't becuase it was to dangerous. I hated school because I had to wear a mask and walk to the school in the strong wind. I couldn't breathe the fresh air instead.I had to make sure the mask was on tight so I wouldn't swallow or inhale any dust. I ate supper with scrapes of dirt. I could hear a crunch in every bite and taste the muddy flavor in my mouth. I could never get a good night sleep because I was affraid how much dirt I would be breathing in. The thing I hated the most was having to worry if my dad was coming home from work. Will this Dust bowl ever end?

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ownership & Innovation

Ownership and Innovation is important because if you don't step up, you won't get no where. Taking ownership is responsibility and to prove and improve. You need to prove important decisions and take your opinions.You gotta show them what you got and take the lead. Be the leader not the follower. Show people you have what it takes and no one can hold you back. Innovation is important so you can give new ideas. Lead the creation of a new product, show the people you can handle the pressure. We need innovation to introduce new things. For example, think back 50 years ago. We had no technology,no t.v,no computers,cellphones. But now he had innovation to think of new things. Now we have cellphones that came from the mid 90's to flip phones to touch phones. If we didn't have innovation there would be no new ideas everything would be the same.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Wonder and Evidence.

Wonder and evidence are important because in life and school it helps us figure things out. Wonder makes you think. What is the answer? what do i do? where will I be in the future? it gets your brain running to think faster. If we never wondered that means we wouldn't care. If we didn't wonder how would people find the truth or discover things. It's important to wonder so we know whats right and wrong. Wondering helps you find what you want to do. Evidence is proof, you need to show the work, the improvement,the care in the work. If you don't have evidence,again, people wouldn't take you serious. You need evidence show that you did your best and to show not tell, I'm worth it.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mindfulness and Perspective

Mindfulness is important in school and in life because without it you won't get no where. If you don't care about school or the actions you make, people won't take you serious. But Mindfulness is kind, awareness that you care. If you show mindfulness in school it shows that you care about the work and the teachers know your trying hard. In life mindfulness is important because if you want a good future and a future for you family, you need to care about it. Perspective is important because as you learn, you learn and experience new things. The more you learn the better you get. As you learn and put more in to your mind, you become a better person. You find the new and gone with the old. This habits of mind are important, putting things into your mind then showing that through the lens of perspective is cool and you feel good.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


The exercise we had in class really caught my attention. It made me think a lot about where I'm going to go after high school. It made me feel a little scared. But now I Know that I need to stay on task and work hard and do my best in class. I want a good education and a good future. So I need to be serious and use my time wisely so I can go to a good college and maybe even get a scholarship. This second semester I'm going to work very hard and bring up my grade point average. I'm going to ask for help and go to office hours to really finish my work and concentrate. The most important goal for me is try finishing my work early so I won't be behind and can be on task.