Friday, January 15, 2010

Story of Stuff

-What has been your role in the "Materials Economy"?

In my role of materials economy is using less stuff. I've been recycling and unplugging things that I'm not using. I also turn off the light and water when I'm not using it. I've also tried reusing things till I can't use it anymore.For example paper and water bottles.

-How can you change your lifestyle to reduce your global impact?

What I can do is have my family or a group of friends to try changing our lifestyle. Like I said try using more of what you can use more then once and if something of mine is still usable like and ipod, i can use it till it's broken or stop working. Another thing that I've changed is using my money wisely.I use my money for thing i actually need like clothes,school supplies, and toilet tree.Most important is buying things I don't really need.

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