Thursday, January 7, 2010

Mindfulness and Perspective

Mindfulness is important in school and in life because without it you won't get no where. If you don't care about school or the actions you make, people won't take you serious. But Mindfulness is kind, awareness that you care. If you show mindfulness in school it shows that you care about the work and the teachers know your trying hard. In life mindfulness is important because if you want a good future and a future for you family, you need to care about it. Perspective is important because as you learn, you learn and experience new things. The more you learn the better you get. As you learn and put more in to your mind, you become a better person. You find the new and gone with the old. This habits of mind are important, putting things into your mind then showing that through the lens of perspective is cool and you feel good.

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