Sunday, January 10, 2010

Ownership & Innovation

Ownership and Innovation is important because if you don't step up, you won't get no where. Taking ownership is responsibility and to prove and improve. You need to prove important decisions and take your opinions.You gotta show them what you got and take the lead. Be the leader not the follower. Show people you have what it takes and no one can hold you back. Innovation is important so you can give new ideas. Lead the creation of a new product, show the people you can handle the pressure. We need innovation to introduce new things. For example, think back 50 years ago. We had no technology,no t.v,no computers,cellphones. But now he had innovation to think of new things. Now we have cellphones that came from the mid 90's to flip phones to touch phones. If we didn't have innovation there would be no new ideas everything would be the same.

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